Our Lady of the Cove Parish, Kimberling City, MO

Our Lady of the Cove Church, Kimberling City, MO. (Photos by G. Eckl)

Phone: (417) 739-4700
20 Kimberling Blvd., Kimberling City, MO 65686-0548

Pastor: Rev. John F. Friedel, [email protected]
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Dhaneesh Thomas, OSB, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Briana James, [email protected]
PSR Director: Mary Lippert
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ourladyofthecove.org


From a beginning in 1960 of only a few resident parishioners, Our Lady of the Cove Parish has grown to accommodate some 601 households. Established by the first bishop of the diocese, Bishop Charles Helmsing, the church was located on the shore of a lake cove. Able to be reached by boat or land, the lakeshore mission church was built primarily for summer vacationers.

Fr. James McKenna celebrated the first Mass on Nov. 26, 1961. Fr. McKenna, Fr. James Philips, Fr. Quentin Hahn, and Fr. Raymond Orf served the parish with its sister mission, Our Lady of the Ozarks in Forsyth, under the care of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Branson. As new residents moved into the area and tourism increased, the need arose for a larger church. While Fr. John Brath was pastor, groundbreaking took place at the present site on June 25, 1978. After completion of the church, Bishop Bernard Law elevated the mission church to parish status.

With the rapid growth of the area, parish ministries and activities have kept pace and include the Knights of Columbus, PCCW; Youth Group, PSR, RClA, and choir. The parish hosts the southern Stone County Food Pantry that provides for more than 200 needy families per month. The Knights host a breakfast once a month. Spring and fall garage sales each year provide funds that help the parish, the PCCW and the Knights of Columbus allocate moneys for mission outreach and parish improvements.

As the parish looks toward the future, the youth of today are actively involved in parish activities, worship, and outreach in Christian charity beyond our parish and diocesan boundaries. Parish growth includes new families moving into southern Stone County and people desiring to embrace our Catholic faith. All look with hope to a faith-filled future knowing that the Holy Spirit energizes this family-centered parish community.

Parish related

For current parish Mass times and other activities and events click HERE. Or, call the parish.

GPS coordinates: N36° 38.008’, W093° 25.230’ (click here for map)
Physical address: Our Lady of the Cove Church, 20 Kimberling Blvd, Kimberling City, MO
