Sacred Heart Parish, Webb City, MO

Sacred Heart Church, Webb City, MO. (Photos by G. Eckl)

909 N Madison Ave., Webb City
Phone: (417) 673-2044 

Mailing address: PO Box 470, Webb City, MO 64870-0470

Parochial Administrator: Rev. Allen Kirchner, [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Rocio Chuta, [email protected]
RCIA: Steve Reddin, [email protected]
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry: Lupita Reyes, [email protected]
Baptism, Quinceañera, & Tres Años Blessing: Melissa De La Rosa, [email protected]
CRE: Mary Poage, [email protected]
Youth Coordinator: Mike and LeAnn Wilson, [email protected]
Bookkeeper: Baker Davis Roderique Accounting Firm, [email protected]
Bulletin: Angelique Flack, [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

For current parish Mass times and other activities and events click HERE. Or, call the phone number above.


The first Mass in what is now the Sacred Heart Parish in Webb City was celebrated around the turn of the century. From 1900 to 1908 priests came from Carthage and Joplin to this town, which was nothing more than a lead mining camp, to offer Mass in an upstairs room over a grocery store and in Catholic homes.

In 1908, a frame church had been purchased from the Presbyterian congregation. Sacred Heart parishioners built a new altar. In November 1908 Fr. Francis Tief, a priest from New York, was appointed the first pastor.

The Catholic community grew and eventually needed more worship space. The Methodist church at Second and Oronogo Streets was purchased in 1940. The sanctuary was modernized in 1959 and again in 1969 in keeping with liturgical changes of Vatican II. Finally, in 1982, a church built by the parish was dedicated.

The Presbyterians, Methodists, and lead mining all indirectly contributed to the early beginnings of what is now a “welcoming” parish, focusing on Spanish-speaking Catholics in the Webb City area.

Parish related

GPS coordinates: N37° 09.404’, W094° 28.426’ (click here for map)
Physical address: Sacred Heart Church, 909 N Madison Ave, Webb City, MO
