St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Nixa, MO
St. Francis of Assisi Church, Nixa, MO. (Photos by G. Eckl)
Phone: (417) 725-1975
Physical address: 844 S Gregg Rd, Nixa, MO 65714
Mailing address: St. Francis of Assisi Church, PO Box 1920, Nixa, MO 65714-1920
Parochial Administrator: The Very Rev. Shoby Chettiyath, JCL, V.G., [email protected]
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Pompeyo Tan, [email protected]
Deacon: Deacon Gary D. Steffes, [email protected]
Office Manager: Amanda Floer
DRE: Deacon Gary D. Steffes
RCIA Directors: Deacon Gary D. Steffes and Tracy King & Kent Welch
Email: [email protected]
The latest parish in the Nixa area of the diocese draws its members from Immaculate Conception and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishes in Springfield and St. Joseph the Worker, Ozark. Late in May 2004, about 250 people attended three meetings at which, together with Fr. Mark G. Boyer, pastor, and a founding team, they discussed names for the new church. Chairpersons for the various parish committees were appointed and on June 16, three names were submitted to Bishop Leibrecht: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Holy Spirit, and St. Francis of Assisi. On June 25, the bishop sent word that St. Francis of Assisi would be the patron of the new Nixa parish. The naming of the parish was celebrated with an outdoor Mass and picnic on July 11, 2004.
The first Mass brought many of the 200 plus registered parishioners to a temporary site at 117 West Sherman Way on Aug. 22 and the bishop presided with the parish the following Sunday. September saw the inauguration of weekend Masses.
Many parishes of the diocese have donated items for the facility with most of the liturgical furnishings coming from the old Our Lady of the Lake, Branson. Parishes and individuals have begun to offer monetary donations.
Parish related
For current parish Mass times and other activities and events click HERE. Or, call the parish office.
GPS coordinates: N37° 01.562’, W093° 19.028’ (click here for map)
Physical address: St. Francis of Assisi Church, 844 S Gregg Rd, Nixa, MO