St. Mary Parish, Lamar, MO
St. Mary Church, Lamar, MO. (Photos by G. Eckl)
Phone: (417) 682-2492
Mailing address: St. Mary Church, 200 E 17th St., Lamar, MO 64759-2012
Pastor: Rev. Patrick A. Teter, [email protected]
Director of Religious Education: Elva Weber
Also attends to St. Patrick Mission Church, Greenfield, MO
Prior to the formal establishment of a parish, various priests of the Kansas City Diocese served Catholics in Lamar. Mass was celebrated in a small frame building erected in 1869. Upon the arrival of Msgr. William A. Keuenhof, the first resident pastor, a church was promptly built of wood and stone in 1904 and is still in use today.
The present rectory was built in 1946 and, with the help of a grant from the Extension Society, a parish hall was completed in 1978.
In the past, the pastor of the Lamar parish also attended to its mission, St. Joseph Parish in Golden City, which was founded in 1912. However, with the advent of better transportation and highways, Catholics in the St. Joseph Mission area merged with the parish family in Lamar and the church building in Golden City was closed in 2000.
An active Knights of Columbus council, together with strong lay involvement, links Christian responsibility with community involvement and puts a face on “Catholic presence” in the city of Lamar.
*Fire destroys the church Sun., Feb. 8, 2009 (see the Feb. 20, 2009 of The Mirror, p. 9 for details).
Parish related
Weekend Mass times
9 a.m.
5 p.m.
Daily Mass Times
Monday and Friday
6 p.m.
3-3:45 p.m. or by appointment
Office hours
Tuesday & Friday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
GPS coordinates: N37° 29.301’, W094° 16.446’ (click here for map)
Attends to: St. Patrick Mission Church, Greenfield, MO