Lenten Youth Project


Each year during Lent, Bishop Edward Rice issues a special invitation to all of the children of the diocese to join him in a collaborative work of mercy. Donations are collected and moments of prayer are offered in the Catholic Schools and Parish Schools of Religion to help the poor, the marginalized, or those in need of special assistance during a time of crisis in their life. A specific community organization, in a designated area of the diocese, is chosen as a recipient of the donations collected each year.

This year, Bishop Rice is inviting the youth of our diocese to help raise money in support of five different local food pantries as they provide food, clothing, and other necessities to those in need. Please join us in the mission to feed the hungry in our diocese!


A Letter to Parents from Bishop Edward M. Rice – English

Una Carta a Los Padres del Obispo Edward M. Rice – Español

Feeding the Hungry in Southern Missouri

Food Pantries supported by the Lenten Youth Project:

  • Sacred Heart Food Pantry—Sacred Heart Parish, Webb City
  • St. Joseph Food Pantry—St. Joseph Parish, Springfield
  • St. Sylvester (Eminence Food Harvest Pantry), Eminence
  • Ste. Marie du Lac Food Pantry—Ste. Marie due Lac Parish, Ironton
  • Catholic Social Ministries Food Pantry—Cathedral of St. Mary of the Annunciation, Cape Girardeau

Promotional & Catechetical Resources

Sending Donations

  • All donations should be collected by Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024
  • Make one check payable to: Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau
  • Please send to: Diocesan Office of Faith Formation

All questions and comments may be directed to:

For Parishes & PSR:
Sr. Janine Tran, CMR – [email protected]
Shasta Beckers – [email protected]

For Schools:
Debra Owensby – [email protected]

Past Lenten Youth Projects

Past efforts have contributed to the following organizations:


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