Parish Catechetical Leaders

Parish Catechetical Leaders

The Diocesan Office of Faith Formation supports catechetical leaders (CRE’s and DRE’s) in their ministry with children and families.  If you are new to your position, please contact the Office of Faith Formation as soon as possible so that we may provide the support, resources, and/or training to help you.  Here are only a few of the ways the office can assist you:

  • Personal visit by the director for consultation
  • In person or online training program for new parish catechetical leaders
  • Monthly newsletter
  • Assistance in recruiting and forming catechists
  • Program design
  • Textbook selection
  • Support and formation for pastoral leaders
  • Workshops for catechists

Personnel for Parishes

The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis assists parishes in finding personnel for catechetical and pastoral positions. The office also assists applicants seeking catechetical or pastoral positions in the diocese. Please contact us if we can help in your search.

Guidelines and Resources for Catechetical Leaders and Youth Ministers

Click Here to access, download, or print a copy of the guidelines and resources for Catechetical Leaders and Youth Ministers.


Catechist Tools

Teaching Prayers English / Spanish

Video teachings by Bishop Edward Rice to be viewed by those preparing for the sacrament, their parents, and catechists.

Catechesis & Persons with Disabilities

The diocesan resource library has adaptive kits parishes or parents can borrow for First Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation preparation. The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy program is also available to borrow. This is a comprehensive religion curriculum designed to help parents and catechists in their task of teaching special children and adults about the Catholic faith. The program may be used in a variety of religious education settings: parish religious education, either in an inclusive classroom or in a specialized setting. It may also be used in the home for family catechesis.

Learn more about the adaptive kits from Loyola Press.

Resources for Inclusive Catechesis

Resources from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops concerning persons with disabilities


Curriculum and Catechetical Texts

Conformity Listing of Catechetical Texts (March 2023): The USCCB maintains a list of catechetical texts that are found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and are the only ones approved for use within the parishes of our diocese.

Publishers Sales Representatives: A sales representative from a specific publishing company will often be able to assist in the selection of appropriate materials for a parish.

Diocesan Curriculum Recommendations: A list of recommended catechetical curriculum and materials that utilize various combinations of textbooks and digital platforms. They are also adaptable to a family centered catechetical approach.

Helpful Forms


Helpful Forms

Waiver Adult English / Spanish – to be used for activities being held away from parish facilities

Waiver Youth English / Spanish – to be used for activities being held away from parish facilities

Volunteer Driver Form – to be used by all volunteer drivers for church activities
